Nuragic village of La Prisgiona - Places to see - Grand Hotel Cannigione

Nuragic village of La Prisgiona

Prisgiona is one of the most fascinating nuragic complexes on the island and it is part of the archaeological park of Arzachena, only a few kilometres far from the Grand Hotel Cannigione.

Set on a granite relief, the nuragic village dominates the Capichera valley in a spectacular panorama of hills of vineyards.

It consists of a fortress, an enormous village and a funerary monument.

The architectural and structural conformation, the discovery of numerous finds and precious artefacts suggest that it was inhabited by an organised and dynamic community, dedicated to crafts, trade and food processing and conservation. 

Curiosity: inside the village there is a well that guaranteed the water supply of the complex. It is seven metres deep and is still working today!